Ready for Change on Home Dialysis
By Barbara Dickhaus, MSW, LICSW. Excerpted from LifeLines at Home newsletter
As a home dialysis patient, you’ve already accomplished more than you probably ever thought you could. Remember when you first started your home training? Everything may have seemed overwhelming at first, but now it’s like second nature.
You may be thinking about making another change. Have you found yourself wondering about another type of treatment, such as a kidney transplant? Are you thinking about trying a different home dialysis schedule? Do you want to enlist the help of a particular care partner or do something else differently with your life? Your readiness to make a change may be classified into one of five stages:
1. I’m not ready now, but maybe soon.
2. I’ll be ready in a little while.
3. I think I’m ready.
4. I am ready.
5. Let’s do it!
Any of these responses indicates that you’re at least open to change, and that's the first step toward making change happen in your life. Your social worker is happy to talk with you about whether you feel ready for change, any obstacles that may be holding you back, and ways to help you meet your health and life goals. Talk to your social worker at your next center visit, or give them a call. They’re here to help.
Explore Home Dialysis Options
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